THIS WORKSHOP IS FULL. You have it, I have it, your neighbors have it…it’s everywhere. ENGLISH IVY!!!! So why not try making something fun with it.
Let’s trial a Bring Your Own Ivy (BYOI) workshop!
Since ivy is everywhere and is an invasive (and aggressive) grower, many of us have access or could get access to ivy. Much of the time/energy and therefore cost of my workshops are the hours and hours I spend collecting, drying, and preparing materials. So let’s put our efforts together…you bring the ivy, I’ll bring the knowledge (and tools & space) and we’ll have a fun lower cost workshop!
THIS IS A TRIAL WORKSHOP - PLEASE READ: Trial means, I’m trying something new and by signing up you are open to providing feedback and willing to embrace a bit of uncertainty for a reduced cost. I’m not exactly sure how long this workshop will take us, what challenges might come up, or exactly what size your finished basket will be but you will successfully make a basket…I promise. Our goal is to create a super cute round bottom basket about 6 x 6 inches. This makes for a great hanging plant basket or an over the shoulder harvest basket (you can add natural fiber straps in class if desired). I’ve scheduled the workshop for 4 hours, I don’t think it will take us that long BUT I don’t want to rush anyone. If you finish quickly and you have extra ivy, you can start a 2nd basket or head home (or walk down the street and gather more!). The workshop price reflects the trail nature.
How & What to Harvest for the Workshop?
WHEN: Harvest your ivy no more than 48 hours before the workshop and store the ivy outside - the day before is ideal. Inside our homes is way too dry/hot. We want the ivy to have some time to “relax” but also not dry out. It’s okay if it gets rained on.
HOW MUCH IVY: As a trial workshop, I’m making a best guess here. Gather approx. 100 feet of vine. In lengths no shorter than about 5 ft. So that’s 20 - 5 ft vines or 10 - 10 ft vines…a mix…whatever. You want vines reaching out over other plants, the ground, over previous years growth or cascading down over walls. Ivy growing up the trunks of trees with small rootlets is very brittle and not good for gathering any length. Good to remove for the tree’s health but no good for weaving. Don't be shy in gathering, anything you don’t use in class you can take home and start another basket or compost and feel good about fighting the ivy fight! We’ll also share as needed in class. Mi ivy es su ivy!
This is the tricky part. I’d like as much of the 100 feet as possible to be no thicker than a pencil but also not too thin either. See photo as a guide. No thinner than the far left example - this will dry quite thin.
Stripe the leaves and roll each vine into a its own hoop - like pictured. This will make it much easy to transport and keep organized in the classroom
Class size maximum: 6 students
Minimum age: 14 years old
Class registration is NON-REFUNDABLE. However, if you want to sell or give your spot to a friend, I’m happy to welcome someone else in your place. I’m unable to support refunds or credits.