Nature in your hands.

Small wonky beginner coil basket made of grass and woven with daylily - about the size of my hand. One of my first baskets.

It all started with one wonky basket - - >. Okay maybe a few dozen wonky baskets. But each one got a little better and I learned a little more. I started to look at all the plants around me, asking one question over and over… I wonder if I can weave with that? Turns out most of the time, you can!

My journey into basket weaving has fostered a connection with nature. Every time I pick up one of my wonderful weaving plant friends, I appreciate its strength and versatility. I take a moment to remind myself of where it lives, what makes it grow and how we can work together. I give over control to the season and let nature tell me when to harvest and when to weave.

Basketry has seen the evolution of humans and cultures. Basketry is utility and art - to be used and cherished.

I give thanks to the weavers before me and those who share their knowledge so I can learn and be a better teacher myself.

Let’s take nature in our hands and make something wonderful!

Erin's signature

Member of:

Member of the Northwest Basket Weaver's Guild
Member of the Columbia Basin Basketry Guild
Member of The Basketmakers Association
Member of the Northwest Perennial Alliance - Business Partner
Member of the SnoValley Tilth - Farmer member

Gratitude to my teachers and knowledge sharers:

Judy Zugish, Maureen Walrath, Jake Hartner, Mark Hendry, Maria Bullock, Carol Horvath, Steve Lospalluto, Sia Aronica, M.M., Barbara Osborne, Vicky Nickelson, Marilyn Moore, and many, many great makers who authored my favorite weaving books.