This workshop is FULL.
WILLOW IS AMAZING!!!! You can weave baskets, bassinets, backpacks, chairs, coffins, fences, fedges*, domes, trellises, and more.
Join this workshop and create a living willow sculpture for your garden - we’ll weave 30 living willow rods into a harlequin willow topiary!
Using locally harvested fresh Salix purpurea cuttings means it is conditioned for our climate and didn’t grow up in a greenhouse. If you give it sun and plenty of water, the willow will do its thing and grow into a delightfully bushy woven friend. Easy to keep “under control” by trimming back new grow each winter so it can start fresh in the spring - whether in a pot or in the ground. Over the years, the woven stems will thicken and merge into one amazing trunk and produce more and more lovely wispy stems & leaves. By faithfully pruning each winter, not only are you limiting the height of the topiary you are controlling root growth and spread.
Morning - 10am to 12:30pm
Afternoon - 2pm - 4:30pm
Your finished weaving will be 20-25 inches tall in an 8 inch diameter compostable pot using organic potting mix.
Maximum class size: 10 students
Minimum age: 14
Class registration is NON-REFUNDABLE. However, if you want to sell or give your spot to a friend, I’m happy to welcome someone else in your place. Due to the nature of the projects (materials/soaking, etc) and the small class sizes, I’m unable to support refunds or credits.
*Fedge - a living willow fence. A fence + a hedge = fedge
*In leaf photos borrowed with permission from Johnny at Lakeshore Willows in the UK. Thanks Johnny…can’t wait for ours to leaf out!